America is Dead! - The Incredible Murder of Donald Trump
America is Dead! - The Incredible Murder of Donald Trump
Podcast Intro Episode!

Podcast Intro Episode!

Actually, more of a teaser!


This is just a short intro/teaser for the podcast for my book, America is Dead! - The Incredible Murder of Donald Trump, written by Brian Hogg, creator of Mosspuppet, writer of some satirical novels you've never read, and general doer of whatever interests him from moment-to-moment.

Donald Trump has been found dead at his beloved Mar-a-Lago, and while meeting for a Conservative political conference nearby, a gaggle of right-wing grifters make a gentleman’s wager to see who among them can solve the former President’s murder first, before the Democrats and the Deep State suppress the truth of what happened. Can people like Elon Musk, Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones and the ghost of Mitch McConnell do it?

Probably not, but they’re going to try.

I'm releasing this book chapter-by-chapter, both here in audio, and in text format on my site It's free!

For more info on the book, head to

Subscribe to my Substack for the book to get it -- free! -- in text form at

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America is Dead! - The Incredible Murder of Donald Trump
America is Dead! - The Incredible Murder of Donald Trump
Donald Trump has been found dead at his beloved Mar-a-Lago, and while meeting for a Conservative political conference nearby, a gaggle of right-wing grifters make a gentleman’s wager to see who among them can solve the former President’s murder first, before the Democrats and the Deep State suppress the truth of what happened. Can people like Elon Musk, Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones and the ghost of Mitch McConnell do it?
Probably not, but they’re going to try.
America is Dead! is a work of political satire being released chapter-by-chapter both as a podcast, and in text at
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Brian Hogg